Episode 20 Extras

Thanks for tuning in to episode 20. I wanted to take some time to expound on why it's essential to recognize the catalyst of your watch enthusiast journey.

Why? As discussed in the podcast, it directly relates to quality and quantity.

At the beginning of my journey in watches, I relied heavily on media sources to gain knowledge, which hindered me a bit.

I did not realize that some media personalities were in business with the brands they represented. As I grew in the space, I quickly realized I had to take some information with an educated grain of salt.

Every single timepiece released cannot possibly be the best thing since sliced bread. Be wary of anyone who acts like every new watch release is.

One plan of attack is to take the media they release and glean the information you need to determine your way ahead. For example, specifications are specifications, and one can take that information and cross-reference it with previous purchases or media releases.

Ignore the "fluff," as I call it, and focus on the objective data.

At the beginning of my journey, I listened to some fluff, which cost me.

I do not want that to happen to you. After all, one of the points of the pod is to help you not make the same mistakes I did on your watch enthusiast journey.

Lastly, I wanted to recognize how strong the pull is to purchase something as quickly as possible. It's a whole thing, and to deny it would be irresponsible. That's why I recommended Seiko as the brand to choose from with your initial purchase. I'm not affiliated with them in any way, but as a watch enthusiast, I know they produce a WIDE line of timepieces that suit many tastes. If you look hard enough, you'll find something you like, and most importantly, the build standard of Seiko is good enough to inform you of the standard you should expect at various price points.

Happy hunting, everyone, and thanks for tuning in!


Episode 33 Extras


Home Improvements and Structural Alterations (HISA)